
Imbassaí beach is waiting for you. Imagine infinite sunshine, white sand and the warm waves of the sea. All this and much more awaits you in the most paradisiacal destination of Brazil, where you’ll discover a delicious climate and exuberant nature to enjoy your dream beach vacation. The impressive facilities, enormous pools, fabulous services of Grand Palladium Imbassaí Resort & Spa  and the spectacular areas exclusive to Palladium Travel Club members, will be waiting for you.

Take advantage of the exclusive benefits of being a Palladium Travel Club member and plan your next vacation at ease with our best prices. 

You decide when is the best time to travel. Whether it’s a romantic escape, a family vacation or a getaway with friends, Grand Palladium Imbassaí Resort & Spa has got everything necessary to welcome you into a comfortable environment so that you can reconnect with nature, those you hold close and yourself. Enjoy your vacation with Infinite Indulgence®, it’s all included.

It’s time to go back to making your vacation in Brazil a reality. Imbassaí beach awaits you!

The best deals for travelling in 2024 and for staying at our hotels without any worries.


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